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Hannah Morris Mathews

Dr. Morris-Mathews
Dr. Morris-Mathews

Chair, Diversity Caucus Assistant Professor, University of Florida

Update from the Chair

By    on 
August 20, 2021
I write to you at the beginning of a new semester, following an immensely challenging 18 months and leading into a time of continued uncertainty. Over the past 18 months, under the umbrella of COVID-19, the systemic inequities and racism that undergird much of our life have been made bare. The impact of COVID-19 on the systems and structures that undergird our collective lives has been immense; this has been even more pronounced in communities of color. Beyond the pandemic, we have seen persistent and pervasive violence against people of color, xenophobic attacks against Asian American communities, and a wave of legislation targeting Trans children’s rights and the anti-racist work taken up by many in the field.  Read more >

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