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Member Benefits

Become a member of TED by first joining the Council for Exceptional Children, the largest professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of children and youth with disabilities and/or gifts and talents. Learn more here.

The Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children is the premiere organization for individuals interested in special education teacher preparation. Through the vision and dedication of its approximately 1700 members, TED sets the standard for high quality special education teacher preparation. TED provides leadership and support for teacher education on behalf of students with exceptional needs and their families through research, professional and leadership development, and advocacy.

Members with common interests may form Caucuses and Special Interest Groups. These groups must be organized in accordance with approved procedures, and their existence shall be finalized by approval of the Executive Committee. Specific guidelines are outlined in the Bylaws.

TED members may also form State Subdivisions of TED. TED shall actively assist state and provincial subdivisions.

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