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TED Awards

The Teacher Education Division (TED) presents awards to professionals that acknowledge significant contributions to special education, teacher education, and the TED organization.  


You may nominate someone else by supplying all the information needed to However, we have also heard feedback that an individual would like to nominate someone, but doesn't have the information/ time to complete the nomination themselves.

If you would like to let someone know you think they would be great for an award and should apply please complete the form below.

Nomination Form

Once this form is completed the individual will be emailed letting them know someone has nominated them for the award and they need to submit the necessary information to be considered.

By completing this form you are not guaranteeing the individual is nominated. All required information must be turned in by August 15th,  2024, to be considered for the award

If you have any questions please email


About the Award:

The TED Excellence in Teacher Education Award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated an exemplary commitment to one of the following:  (a) teacher education in special education, (b) preparation of future leaders and/or quality educators, and (c) research supporting the preparation of teachers and/or delivery of services to children with disabilities, legislative leadership, and scholarly works. 


Recipients of this award receive Complimentary TED Conference Registration and $500 from TED



  • Must be a TED Member
  • A clear record of research and leadership in teacher education in special education documenting a culmination of a body of work.
  • A record of scholarly contributions including publications in leading special education journals, including TESE 
  • A record of presentations at TED
  • A nomination letter and at least two additional letters of support to demonstrate impact on the field, provided by a cross-section of academia including other leaders in the field in other institutions (would show impact and reputation as a leader in the field)
  • Must have a minimum of 8 years in higher education
  • They must be nominated by a member of CEC; and they cannot be current members of the TED Executive Committee or members of the Selection Committee.

Letters of nomination should document the nominee’s eligibility for the award and should be accompanied by a current vita. Consideration will be given to: 

  1. Commitment to teacher education in special education.
  2. Preparation of future leaders and/or quality educators.
  3. Research supporting the preparation of teachers and/or delivery of services to children with disabilities, legislative leadership, and Scholarly works.

How to Apply:

Nomination Materials for the TED Award Must Include the Following:

  • Nominating Letter-  This should document the nominee’s eligibility for the award
  • Curriculum Vitae- Nominee’s current Curriculum Vitae 
  • Letter of Support- One nomination letter and at least two additional letters of support from individuals familiar with the nominee’s contributions to the field. These letters should address how the nominee fulfills the award criteria.

Please send all material to by August 15, 2024, to be considered. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email

About the Award:

The purpose of this award is to recognize the contribution of an individual or group of individuals for the publication of an article in Teacher Education and Special Education which is deemed to have lasting value to the field by virtue of its potential impact on research, policies, or practices in teacher education and special Education.


Recipients of this award receive:  A monetary honorarium from SAGE, Complimentary TED Conference Registration with a guaranteed presentation slot as well as a plaque presented at awards ceremony during TED annual convention.



Eligible papers must have been published in TESE during the calendar year prior to nomination. For example, to be nominated in 2022, the publication must have been printed in calendar year 2021.


How to Apply:

Following the publication of the fourth issue in a volume year,  the Chair of the Publications Committee shall initiate the nomination  process by inviting all eligible persons to nominate three articles for the   TED Publication Award appearing in the designated volume. TESE Editors will provide a list of the top 5 articles for the committee to choose from.  

About the Award:

The purpose of the award is to recognize doctoral students who have focused their research on the preparation of pre-service and in-service educators serving students with disabilities or who have conducted related research having clear implications for the preparation of educators serving students with disabilities.


Recipients of this award receive: Complimentary TED Conference Registration with a guaranteed presentation slot as well as a plaque presented at awards ceremony during TED annual convention.



  • Must be a TED Member
  • Applicant has received the doctoral degree within the 18-month period prior to the August 15th deadline. 
  • Dissertation research that addresses the preparation of pre-service and in-service educators serving students with disabilities or has clear implications for the preparation of educators serving students with disabilities. 


How to Apply:

Submit the following items :

  1. Title page that includes the following information:
    • Dissertation title 
    • Author, current address, and phone number. 
    • Date of dissertation 
    • Approval or awarding of the degree 
    • Degree-granting institution 
    • Name of Dissertation Committee Chair 
  2. 1 digital copy of the dissertation abstract, not to exceed 150 words.
  3. 1 digital copy of a manuscript not to exceed 5 pages, outlining and summarizing the research, using APA guidelines.  Manuscripts submitted for this competition may already have been submitted/ accepted for publication.  If submitted or accepted, appropriate referencing must be provided. 
  4. Letter from advisor discussing the following:
    • Uniqueness of the research
    • Contribution of study to the field
    • Rigor of method
    • Contributions student can make through future research

Please send all material to by August 15,  2024 to be considered. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email

About the Award:

The purpose of the Distinguished Service Award is to honor individuals who have demonstrated exemplary service to the development and advancement of quality teacher education in special education.


Recipients of this award receive:  Complimentary TED Conference Registration with a guaranteed presentation slot as well as a plaque presented at awards ceremony during TED annual convention.



  • Nominees cannot be a current member of the TED  Executive Committee. 
  • Nominees must be nominated by a member of TED. 
  • Nominees may or may not be a member of TED.

Nominated individuals may have demonstrated their commitment to personnel preparation through one or more of the following areas: 

  • The acceptance and outstanding service in leadership roles to advance the development and improvement of teacher education in special education (e.g., offices in national, state organizations). 
  • Active promotion and participation in the activities promoting quality teacher education in the field of special education (e.g., conferences, symposia, academies). 
  • Active participation in the governmental and political areas to promote and protect beneficial legislation to promote quality teacher education. 
  • Active promotion and participation in school-university partnerships that have advanced teacher education in special education. 

How to Apply:

Nomination materials should include the following:

  • A current vita of the nominee. 
  • A letter of nomination documenting the nominee’s eligibility for the award. 
  • Letters of support for the nomination from individuals knowledgeable of the nominee’s contributions relative to one or more of the criteria stated above.

Please send all material to by August 15, 2024 to be considered. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email 

Do you have a doctoral student who is passionate about advocacy? Get their nomination in now!



  • They must be involved in advocating for special education teacher preparation (e.g., government relations, letter writing, visits to Congressional Members), and be committed to continuing this work in the future;
  • They must submit a fully completed application
  • They must be student members of CEC and TED

How to Apply:

Start with a letter of nomination

  • Send Lucky Mason-Williams ( the name and email of the student along with
  •  A letter from you that acknowledges the nominee’s experiences in advocacy and why you feel they stand out above their peers in this area.

The next step is the Policy Committees

  • Lucky will reach out to the nominee and confirm their interest
  • Then ask them to complete an application package

The application package will include:

A letter from the nominee describing past and future commitment to policy advocacy, (including, but not limited to)

  • professional service goals, both past, and future,
  • evidence of impact and/or influence on peers and others, and
  • a discussion about potentially pressing issues for the profession, along with suggestions about how the profession might address these issues.

Two additional letters of nomination (may include peers or others knowledgeable of the nominees’ experiences)

A current Curriculum Vitae


Your nomination should be sent by August 15, 2024 to TED Political Action Member at Large: Lucky Mason-Williams (


About the Award:

The Early Career Publication Award recognizes an outstanding research publication by an individual within six years after completing the doctorate. The person nominated must be sole or first author of the article. The article must be published in Teacher Education & Special Education. The publication must be a primary research report (reflecting any research methodology), a meta- analysis, or a research review. It may not be a chapter, theoretical paper, or position article. If an article has already received the TED Publication of the Year Award from the Publications Committee, it is ineligible for this award. The Research Committee will work with the TED Publications Committee to avoid such duplications.

Recipients of this award receive:  

A committee of scholars in the field will review all eligible articles and reach a decision for the winner of the award. The decision from these scholars is final. The Early Career Publication Award will be presented at the Annual TED Conference. The winning author will receive a check for $500 and a plaque; courtesy of the proceeds of the Handbook of Research on Special Education Teacher Preparation published by Routledge. In addition, the winner may be invited to be the Research Committee Sponsored Spotlight Session speaker at a future TED conference. Reviewers will use a rating system. When making a determination, they will consider each paper's: I. methodological rigor, II. significance, and III. relevance for TED. Any ties will be broken by a designated representative.

How to Apply:

The Research Committee will identify eligible authors on or before June 1 (reviewing articles from the year before to the current year by May 30), and the award decision will be rendered on or before August 1. Questions about this award may be directed to the TED Research Committee Co-Chairs:

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email or

About the Award:

Awarded for outstanding contributions in research, service, or teaching that has impacted equity in teacher education on behalf of teachers and/or youth with exceptionalities and their families

  • Teaching– outstanding and innovative teaching practices, curriculum, and methods used in the preparation or professional development for educators and school leaders with a clear focus on issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice.
  • Research – outstanding research contributions focused on addressing inequities in teacher education on behalf of teachers and/or youth with exceptionalities and their families
  • Service – outstanding contributions in advancing the mission and vision of TED/Diversity Caucus especially related to eliminating disparities in teacher education on behalf of teachers and/or youth with exceptionalities and their families


Recipients of this award receive: A monetary prize, A plaque resented at awards ceremony during TED annual convention.



  • The awardee must have active membership in TED
  • Self-nominations are not allowed
  • Decisions regarding the Award must be made in collaboration with at least one member of TED Diversity Caucus (e.g., Chair of the Diversity Caucus).
  • Individuals who received the award in the last 5 years are not eligible

How to Apply:

Nominations package must include, in English:

  • Nominating Letter-  letter documenting the nominee’s eligibility for the award
  • Curriculum Vitae- nominee’s current Curriculum Vitae
  • Letter of Support- letter from one additional individual familiar with the nominee’s contributions to the field, addressing how the nominee fulfills the award criteria.

The award will be administered by the Diversity Caucus. All applications are due by August 15 of each year to Valentina Contesse & Wilhelmina (Willa) Van Dijk and willa.vandijk@usu.eduMembership and Diversity Chairs

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