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September Leadership Message

September President’s Newsletter

It’s September!

Though most think the year begins in January, I have been in education long enough that I think of August/September as the time of new beginnings. Many of my colleagues shared wonderful photos of the first day of kindergarten—smiling faces and a few anxious moments for both families and children! It reminds me, again, that school is so central to our collective and yet, there are so many problems to solve. We could spend a lot of time dwelling on those problems but, if you open TESE or JOSEP, look at the conference schedule, or notice the individuals being elevated to important education leadership positions, you will see that TED members are working hard to find solutions. If you have shout outs you would like to share, send them my way.

As teacher educators, we understand that the most important variable in schools is the teacher. But we also recognize that they must work under conditions that allow them to do what they know is best. This requires collaboration and a broad view of teacher preparation and support. As we begin a new academic year, I hope all TED members recognize how important their role is in this collective we call school and how, by our work, we remind everyone else how important teaching is to its success. All the best in your 2023-24 school year!


And now, what’s happening in TED

Don’t forget to make plans to attend the TED Conference in Long Beach, CA! Register here

EARLY BIRD Deadline is September 15!!!

Board notes

Congrats to Jenn Sears, TED’s secretary, for her new role and title! Well deserving!

Congrats to Shantel Farnan, TED's MAL; SIG and Caucus Liaison, for receiving the Distinguished Faculty Award and for being honored for Excellence in Academic Affairs from Northwest Missouri State University.

It’s time to start thinking about getting involved in TED! Elections are coming up and voting will be held immediately after the conference in November. The positions open this year include: Treasurer/Representative Assembly, Member at large for Membership and Diversity, and Member at large: SIG/Caucus Liaison. We will have information sessions at the conference but feel free to contact me at any time with any questions and about how you can get involved.

Policy Committee

The TED Policy Committee looks forward to seeing many of you on Thursday, September 28 for the next installment of the Virtual Washington Updates with Dr. Kaitlin Brennan. Things in DC are about to heat up with Congress returning to session and budget negotiations underway. Make sure to be there to get all the insider information! To attend, please register ahead of time here

Publications and Communications Committee

The Publications and Communications Committee is responsible for identifying the next editor(s) for the Teacher Education and Special Education (TESE) Journal. Drs. Melinda Leko and Cindy Griffin have served as co-editors of TESE for six years. They have done an amazing job strengthening the quality and impact of the journal! We greatly appreciate their years of dedication to TESE and our organization. Sadly, their term is up, and their service as editors of TESE must come to an end in August 2024. But…the search for a new editor(s) has begun!

Calls for volunteers to join the editor selection committee went out last year at the TED business meeting at CEC 2023, over multiple TED member eblasts, and on the TED Facebook page. Five TED members have answered the call.

• Andy Markelz (Associate Professor Ball State University; Chair of committee)

• Jeremy Bell (Assistant Professor University of Louisiana at Monroe).

• Peggy Weiss (Associate Professor George Mason University)

• Alex Carlson (Doctoral Student Clemson University)

• Michael Kennedy (Professor University of Virginia)

I’d like to thank these members of TED for volunteering to serve on this very important committee. If you’d like to learn more about the editor selection committee process, please contact me at

We are finalizing the call for applications but anticipate an official call for applicants to be announced this coming October. Be on the lookout for that!

Andy Markelz (Publications Committee Member-at-Large)

Professional Development Committee

Join us at the CEC Fall PD Fair!

We’re excited to announce that TED will be part of the inaugural CEC Fall PD Fair! This brand-new learning opportunity will feature live, online 2-hour seminars from TED, other CEC Divisions, CEC, and the PROGRESS Center on September 28. Recordings will be available.

TED will be there—what else do you need to know to learn more and step right up to the PD Fair?

For more information on the schedule, including seminars, and to register yourself or a group, visit the CEC PD Fair website.

We will have two presentations led by TED PD Committee members at CEC’s virtual PD fair on September 28th.

Time Block #1 – 11:00 am – 1:00 pm ET

Teacher Registered Apprenticeship Programs: How Educator Preparation Programs Can Lead the Way

Presenters: Lynn Holdheide, AIR, CEEDAR Center, and Center for Great Teachers and Leaders Louis Kimmel, AIR and Center for Great Teachers and Leaders Dena Slanda, AIR and Center for Great Teachers and Leaders Shauntice Wheeler, AIR and Center for Great Teachers and Leaders

Time Block #2 - 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET

Keep CALM and Teach On! Developing Accessible Learning Materials in Educator Preparation Programs

Presenters: Dr. Kate Peeples - Assistant Professor, Illinois State University Dept. of Special Education Dr. Allison Kroesch - Assistant Professor, Illinois State University Dept. of Special Education

P.S. Use code 10PDFair to receive 10% off your registration. If you want to register more than one person, reach out to for group discount codes!

Collaboration Opportunity?

The Division of Leaders and Legacy is spearheading a collaboration that focuses on maltreatment and trauma. There are 11 divisions involved. If you are interested in participating on behalf of TED, please contact Peggy Weiss at

Research Committee

Early Career Teacher Education Scholars - Save the Date: Teacher Education Division Conference in Long Beach, California October 31st, 2023 from 8:00 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.

Join the TED Research Committee for the Research Mentorship Roundtable, an annual event at which early career scholars (i.e., advanced doctoral students & early career faculty) can receive feedback from colleagues and senior scholars on their research ideas.

To apply as an early career scholar, please complete this form, by September 15. On this form, you will be asked to provide:

● Your area of research interests

● A one-page description of a research study you are conceptualizing, proposing, or conducting

This information will inform pairing of early career and senior


If you have any questions about the process or session, please contact:

Dr. Ambra L. Green (

Dr. Wendy Rodgers (

Posted:  7 September, 2023

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