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June Leadership Message

June 8, 2023

It’s June! That means, in my part of the world, the sun is shining, flowers are blooming, and nearly everyone in my family has either a birthday or an anniversary. It also means many of the offices of teacher educators are empty-- I know many of you are spending your time writing grant proposals these days. All the best!

Your TED Board met yesterday. There are many, many things happening in committees, caucuses, and SIGs. Please see below and in our reports . The calendar on the website includes ways you can get involved. Our conference is coming together and you should receive decisions on proposals very soon. Please consider attending as our hope is to make the conference more interactive and engaging—we, as a field, have so many topics that need to be talked about from multiple perspectives in a professional way. We are hoping that the conference will provide a space for those discussions.

I hope you get the chance to take a breath and relax a bit with those important to you. I’m going to try to read some of those journal articles from TESE and JOSEP that I’ve piled up!

Peggy Weiss


And now to what’s happening around TED!

TESE Journal Editors/Publications

The TED Publications Committee is forming a subcommittee to review applications and select the next editor(s) of TESE. The tentative timeline for editor selection is as follows:

• Finalize TESE Editor Selection Committee and call for applications by TED Long Beach (October 30th, 2023)

• Send out call for TESE editor applications (November 2023 – February, 2024)

• Review applications and select editor by CEC 2024 (March 2024)

• Onboard new editor(s) over summer and Fall 2024 in collaboration with exiting Editors

The Selection Committee will be responsible for developing a call for applications, reviewing applications, and making a recommendation to the TED Executive Board. We would like to have two TED Members and one Kaleidoscope representative on the selection committee.

If you are interested in serving on this important committee, please send a 1-page (maximum) letter of interest to the selection committee chair (Andy Markelz – by June 15th, 2023. Please include why you are interested in serving on this committee and any qualifications you bring.

Political Action Committee

We have 10 TED representatives attending SELS in DC in July! Please make sure to check out the Washington Updates and join us for the next Virtual Washington Update June 22 at 3pm! Register through the calendar on the TED website.

Have 30 seconds? Visit the CEC Legislative Action Center to share our priorities ( (Before you go, check out the fact sheet that allows you to see what the impact would be in your state with the current proposals).

Have 30 more seconds? Visit the AACTE Advocacy Center to do the same! ( )

TED Conference—Long Beach, CA. Oct. 30-Nov. 2

The conference committee reports they received more proposals than last year! It should be a great conference. Reviewers are busy at work right now. You should receive decisions on proposals on June 15. Join us in Long Beach—we’ve got a great program planned. For more information, click here.

The special call for posters will be out soon—be the first to submit here. Submissions are for just poster sessions at TED 2023 and will be open thru July 1, 2023.

Addie and Monique have great special programming set for Kaleidoscope members. Roundtables and poster sessions are always a great hit!

Conference Advisory Committee

The Conference Advisory Committee is putting together a process for identifying sites for future conferences. The first part of this is to create a rubric for ranking potential sites. If you are interested in participating in creating this rubric and the process for its use, please contact Brannan at . This is a limited time volunteer opportunity—no long term commitment required!!

Journal of Special Education Preparation

JOSEP has recently published a special issue on special education teacher shortages guest edited by Dr. Sarah Nagro. The first part of this two-part series focuses on strengthening existing pathways into the profession. Check out these six consequential articles on JOSEP’s website: Read “From the Guest Editor” to get an overview of the special two-part series. The next special issue will be out in the fall.


TED has a significant number of awards to give out! If you are thinking about how to bring recognition to your colleagues for the work they do, please check out our Awards page. Most nominations are due in August/September timeframe and are given out at the TED conference. Nominating colleagues for TED awards is a great way to bring their great work to light!

Professional Development and Knowledge and Skills Committee

The Professional Development Committee has lots of exciting ideas and plans for programs this summer and fall. Watch your email inboxes for more information!

Posted:  8 June, 2023

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