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Paraeducator Special Interest Group

The purpose of the Paraeducator Special Interest Group (SIG) is to promote the professional practices of all paraeducators serving individuals with exceptionalities and support appropriate training, supervision, and evaluation of performance relevant to their employment duties.

A paraeducator is an employee who, following appropriate training, performs tasks as prescribed and supervised by the licensed/certified professional/practitioner. Paraeducators perform specific duties as directed by the licensed/certified professional/practitioner. The licensed/certified professional/practitioner maintains responsibility for assessing the individual learner, the family needs and plan, evaluates and modifies programs and services based upon these assessments (IDEA Partnerships, 2001). U.S. Department of Education. (2001). IDEA Partnerships Paraprofessional Initiative. Washington, D.C.

Membership in the Paraeducator SIG is free of charge. If you are interested in learning more about this SIG, please email the Chair, Dr. Ritu Chopra.

Position Paper on Training for Paraeducators in Special Education


Paraeducator Spotlight Series 

TED’s Paraeducator Special Interest group is launching a spotlight series on paraeducator research. Each month this fall, the authors of a recently published article will join us for an informal conversation about their paper and their paraeducator research. 

September Spotlight Session Article Discussed: Coaching paraeducators to implement functional communication training involving augmentative and alternative communication for students with autism spectrum disorder: Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Vol 37, No 2 (

Authors Virginia Walker and Megan Carpente

View Recording Here

October Spotlight Session October we will speak with Elizabeth Biggs and Carly Gibson about their article.  Please Read: "Developing That Balance": Preparing and Supporting Special Education Teachers to Work with Paraprofessionals  Then join us on Friday, October 21st at 12pm EST  Use this Zoom Link :

*No registration required

November Spotlight Session November we will speak with Linda Reddy and Nicole Wiggs about their article.  Please Read: A Mixed-Method Study of Paraprofessional Roles, Professional Development, and Needs for Training in Elementary Schools Then join us on Friday, November 18th at 12pm EST  Use this Zoom Link :

*No registration required

Last Updated:  8 December, 2020

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