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TED July Leadership Message

July, 2024

Hello TED Family,

I sincerely hope everyone is feeling appreciated right now. There is so much happening around us, our lives are just so busy! So please take the time for yourself, and surround yourself with those that appreciate you! I hope you all know how much we, the TED Board, appreciate each and everyone of you! I don’t know about you, but I get really discouraged and anxious when I hear what is happening around me. So I was really excited when I saw a segment on network news about flipping the “hate narrative” and it made me think about a popular little kid from over a decade ago - Remember Kid President! I have attached the clip of one of his old videos - I hope this makes you smile.

Remember, we are better together, so I hope you have already marked your calendars for some quality time with us in Pittsburgh! I might even have a corndog for you if you like (I don’t, but it’s okay if you do)! I will definitely have hugs and high fives - so if you haven’t registered yet, PLEASE DO!! Here is a link for you.

Pittsburgh, PA. Nov 5-8th. Omni William Penn Hotel

Registration is open!

Welcome to our newest SIG -

I am excited to announce that TED has a new Small Interest Group. The Neurodivergent Educators and Researchers with Disabilities (NERDS) Special Interest Group (SIG) seeks to connect disabled and neurodivergent individuals' based on common identities and interest in advocacy, education, and support. Specifically, our foci include: (a) inclusion and belonging, (b) dismantling ableism, (c) research, (d) education and open conversations, (e) advocacy, and (f) mentorship. By enhancing belonging for disabled and neurodivergent teacher educators, this SIG will support robust membership and leadership in TED and further TED’s commitment to mutual respect and inclusion of all individuals without bias. Look for them at TED this year; they will have a spotlight session to highlight some members’ research. The Chair of the SIG is Victoria VanUitert and Vice-Chair is Carlyn Mueller. Thank you to Victoria and Carlyn for your leadership!

July's Member on the Move

This month’s Member on the Move kept the international theme going! Endia Lindo shared her research with special educators from around the globe! Presenting on the Importance of Employing Multi-Component Strategies to Build Comprehension at DISES Conference in Panama City, Panama.

She enjoyed connecting with and learning from professionals and doing work to support people with disabilities around the world. It was an amazing visit to Panama that also afforded her family to connect to their Panamanian ancestry.

We love to highlight our members! Please share what you are doing. TED Members on the Move

TED is Your Professional Organization

Last month, I asked for your suggestions and comments. Thank you to the one person who shared (NO names… but look to see who I am buying drinks for at TED). We will be looking to add your voice! Please think about what you would like to share with the board.

We really do want to know more about you and what you are looking for in your professional network.

IDEAS for TED_Virtual Suggestion Box

Please fill out this form - it can be anonymous. However, if you would like to engage in dialogue with me or another board member, please share your name and contact information. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing your ideas with the board.

It’s Award Time

It is that time of year that we look to you to nominate deserving members for our annual TED Awards. Think about your colleagues and our leaders in the field - Most awards nominations are due August 15, 2024, but check the specific award requirements here

We have also heard feedback that an individual would like to nominate someone but doesn't have the information/ time to complete the nomination themselves. If you would like to let someone know you think they would be great for an award and should apply please complete this form.

Until Next Time,

Have a great month,


Posted:  12 July, 2024

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