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TED April Leadership Message

Hello TED Family,

I hope you are all well and enjoying Spring - in consideration of our members in the Midwest and Northeast I intentionally did not mention what usually comes with this time of year, you know the “w.e.a.t.h.e.r” 🤫!!! For those of you returning from San Antonio I hope you had a great conference. Shout out to the CEC Staff and our very own Heather Haynes Smith, who was the perfect hostess and supported many attendees with “what to do” and “where to go”! Now it’s time to think ahead to November and the TED Conference in Pittsburgh!



As you anxiously await gardens to bloom, fresh produce to arrive, summer break to start, or whatever it is you may be excited to have appear this Spring; help pass the time by completing your TED proposals!! April 19th will be here before you know it! So here is the link: Proposal Submission Page | Teacher Education Division

Remember this is a new portal, you will be prompted to “create an account”!


Are you still searching for your niche within TED, somewhere to plug in and do some amazing work, phenomenal collaboration, or even another group to share experiences with? Well then let me highlight some of our great Caucuses and Small Interest Groups (SIGs).


Here are some more ways for you to connect within TED:


The Diversity Caucus: Is a group of TED members who advise the Board on issues of diversity and increasing representation of diverse members within TED. Here are some of their specific duties


  • Make recommendations to the Executive Committee of TED on matters pertaining to diversity issues which relate to special education, teacher education and the profession in the preparation of teachers for student diversity and to the recruitment and retention of faculty and students from under-represented groups;
  • Implement opportunities for TED members to expand their knowledge base and comprehension related to preparing teachers to work with groups from diverse backgrounds and the recruitment/retention of faculty and students from under-represented groups;
  • Facilitate collaboration between TED, other divisions of CEC, and other education-related organizations in order to work jointly with these organizations in preparing teachers to work with groups from diverse backgrounds and the inclusion of students with disabilities in general education classes;
  • Encourage active participation of under represented groups in TED membership and leadership;
  • Disseminate information and encourage research related to the preparation of teachers to work with groups from diverse backgrounds and the recruitment/retention of faculty and students from under-represented groups;
  • Make recommendations to other divisions of CEC regarding issues related to the preparation of teachers to work with groups from diverse backgrounds; and
  • Engage in grant writing or other efforts to solicit funding to support the functions of the caucus.

If you are interested please contact the chair: Valentina Contesse:


Small Special Education Programs Caucus (SSEPC)

The Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council For Exceptional Children (CEC)


Everyone needs a professional home, and we think SSEPC might be that for YOU!

Your membership gives you access to:

  • A vibrant and supportive network of special education teacher educators at small, special education teacher preparation programs (7 or fewer faculty members, no doctoral programs)
  • Rich professional development opportunities throughout the year
  • Service opportunities and a collaborative network of like-minded colleagues nationwide
  • New! Exclusive repository of resources syllabi, assignment ideas, case studies, etc.

View our New member Flyer Here

  If this might be you next TED home within your organization, please contact Tamara Lynn;

The Early Childhood Faculty SIG emphasizes teacher education generally, but provides a forum to communicate and connect with faculty colleagues around issues related specifically to special education and early childhood. If you are involved in Early Childhood Prep - please contact Marla Lohman


The Paraeducator SIG promotes the professional practices of all paraeducators serving individuals with exceptionalities and support appropriate training, supervision, and evaluation of performance relevant to their employment duties. If you work with paraprofessionals and are interested in elevating the work and profession of paraeducators please contact Ritu Chopra-


All the best for a Bright and Sunny April!

Kyena Cornelius

TED President

Posted:  10 April, 2024

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