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Chair: TED Immediate Past President, Dr. Dee Berlinghoff


The Awards Committee is in charge of creating and presenting awards.  

  • Implements approved procedures for soliciting nominations and bestowing the TED Distinguished Service Award and the TED/Pearson Award.
  • Prepares and disseminates publicity on recipients of awards.
  • By request, assists other TED members who have responsibility for awards.
  • Submits a report on awards status to the Executive Board at each of its meetings.
  • Maintains a manual that details the procedures for nominating and selecting TED members for awards.
  • Gathers feedback from members of the Division regarding changes in awards and the procedures pertaining to making awards.
  • Maintains and updates guidelines for the nomination and selection of TED members for awards.
  • Assumes responsibility for other activities pertaining to awards assigned by the Executive Committee.

For more information, contact Dr. Dee Berlinghoff


Click here for: Awards Handbook

Chair: Budget and Finance Chair, Dr. Ruby Owiny


The Budget and Finance Committee is tasked with all of the financial responsibilities of the Division.


When necessary, the group develops and revises:

  • Guidelines for the accounting and bookkeeping procedures for funds of TED related to conferences / conventions.
  • Guidelines for providing reimbursement to members for expenses incurred when performing functions of TED.

Additional functions include:

  • Recommending increases, maintenance, or decreases of TED dues.
  • Assisting the President-Elect with the preparation of the annual budget.
  • Making recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding fundraising activities.
  • Assuming responsibility for other activities pertaining to financial affairs assigned by the Executive Committee.


For more information, contact Dr. Ruby Owiny  

Chair: Dr. Andy Markelz


The Publications and Communications Committee studies matters and makes recommendations to the Executive Committee pertaining to engagement of TED members via technological means (e.g., website, social media, etc.). The Publications and Communications Committee also studies matters and makes recommendations to the Executive Board pertaining to the governance, operations and financing of TED publications. They make recommendations to the Executive Committee for the appointment of a(n)

  • Editor of the TEDLines (TED’s newsletter) 
  • Editor(s) of TESE (TED’s journal) In conjunction with the Executive Committee, policies regarding the content and operations of TED’s publications shall be approved by the Publications Committee. The committee publishes/maintains:
    • TED’s newsletter (TEDLines) at regular intervals specified by the Executive Committee. The major function of the newsletter is to disseminate information concerning national, state/provincial, and local TED affairs to the membership. The newsletter is published on TED’s website, with notices of its publication sent on the TED-announce e-mail list.
    In addition, the committee:
    • Works closely with the editors of TED’s journal (Teacher Education and Special Education – TESE)
  • Supports the development and maintenance of TED’s website The committee assumes responsibility for other activities pertaining to publications and communications of TED assigned by the Executive Committee and submits TED updates quarterly to CEC Today.

For more information, contact Dr. Andy Markelz

Chair: TED President, Dr. Mary Brownell


The Conference Advisory Committee makes recommendations and oversees the program and logistics for the TED activities and Professional Development events. For each of these conferences/conventions/events, a sub-committee working on the program and logistics is also created.


The Conference Advisory Committee is responsible for coordinating these activities and all the planning involved. Specific functions include:

  • Recommendations to the Executive Committee in regards to:
    • Locations of TED conferences.
    • Local arrangements for the TED conferences.
    • Themes for conferences, topical priorities for programs, and formats for programs.
    • Assuring all conferences are evaluated.
  • Responsibility for implementing Divisional policies pertaining to managing and accounting for finances related to conferences.
  • Maintaining and updating the TED Conference Planning Handbook and for distributing copies to identified local arrangements coordinators and/or program chairpersons.
  • Responsibility for all other activities pertaining to conferences/conventions/ professional development assigned by the Executive Committee.

For more information, contact Dr. Mary Brownell

Chair: Dr. Dee Berlinghoff


The Elections and Constitution Committee is responsible for the solicitation of nominations and management of elections within TED. The committee also periodically reviews and recommends revisions to the TED Constitution and Bylaws.


Additional functions include:

  • Maintaining and updating policies related to nominations and elections.
  • Reviews and evaluates annually TED’s Constitution and Bylaws, current policies and procedures, and the TED Handbook. The committee then submits a report, with recommendations, based on the review and evaluation to the Executive Board.

For more information, contact Dr. Dee Berlinghoff

Chair: TED Board Member and CAN Representative, Dr. Kyena Cornelius


The Governmental Affairs Committee serves as TED’s communication channel with other organizations and associations on matters pertaining to federal legislation, regulations, and policy matters that relate to the preparation of personnel to educate students with exceptionalities.


Furthermore, the committee:

  • Develops a legislative program under the direction of the Executive Committee.
  • Provides advice and assistance to the TED’s Representative to the CEC Representative Assembly.
  • Assumes responsibility for other activities related to governmental relations, as assigned by the Executive Committee.
  • Works closely with TED’s legislative liaison to determine necessary actions on the part of TED in the political arena.

For more information, contact Dr. Kyena Cornelius


Kaleidoscope is the doctoral student committee for the Division of Teacher Education-CEC. Student voice is welcomed and valued by TED. As such, Kaleidoscope members are encouraged to participate in all standing committees providing opportunities for students to engage in national service, participate in professional discussions on special education teacher preparation, and develop leadership skills.



Kaleidoscope provides a venue for student researchers early in their doctoral careers to present professionally and receive constructive feedback from faculty reviewers. It also provides professional development opportunities tailored to future teacher educators.



Membership in Kaleidoscope is open to all graduate student members of CEC/TED who are full or part-time students during the academic year at an accredited college or university.


Questions, ideas, input or what to get involved?


Contact Us:  

More information

Chair: TED Board Member, Dr. Andrew Hashey


The Membership Committee is responsible for recruiting members and supporting the state and regional subdivisions.


In order to achieve this goal, the committee:

  • Maintains a current record of members.
  • Monitors the membership rosters on a quarterly basis.
  • Follows up on inactive members.
  • Recruits new members.
  • Facilitates the induction and orientation of new members.
  • Fosters participation of members in the activities of TED.
  • Supports CEC headquarters in its follow-up of membership renewals.
  • Keeps a written record of the activities conducted to maintain and increase membership.
  • Serves as the monitor of subdivision development, by sponsoring a meeting at the annual TED meeting of representatives from each of the subdivisions, receiving and reviewing applications, receiving and verifying membership petitions, receiving and reviewing constitutions for new subdivisions, and making recommendations to the Executive Committee for official recognition.
  • Reviews periodically the constitutions of subdivisions to ensure that they meet CEC’s guidelines.
  • Maintains data regarding membership in the states/provinces and communicates with CEC pertaining to membership records.
  • Establishes and maintains a network of professionals, including state coordinators, responsible for the continuing professional development of persons involved in the education of individuals with exceptional needs.
  • Establishes and maintains liaisons with other organizations involved in the continuing professional development of educators of individuals with exceptional needs (e.g., NASDSE, ASCD, National Staff Development Council, Educational Service Agencies, Regional Labs, Regional Resource Centers, National Diffusion Networks, CASE).
  • Prepares reports for presentation at the meetings of the Executive Board and General Business Meetings according to the provisions stated in the TED Constitution.
  • Assumes responsibility for other activities pertaining to membership assigned by the Executive Committee.

For more information, contact Dr. Andrew Hashey

Chair: TED Board Member, Dr. Cathy Newman Thomas


In addition to providing Professional Development for the field, TED also provides professional development for our members who themselves are teacher-educators and researchers actively, who are engaged in providing professional development. Our members look to TED to fulfill their own professional development needs. As recipients of professional development, they rely on The Professional Development Committee of TED to coordinate and promote activities to fulfill their unique professional development needs. As such,


The Professional Development Committee of TED shall:

  • Make recommendations to the Executive Board regarding criteria for effective continuing professional development practices to meet the requirements of the CEC Standards for Professional Practice.
  • Apprise the membership of research and information on effective professional practices through a vehicle agreed to by the Executive Board.
  • Study various models of professional development and make recommendations to the Research and Professional Issues Committee regarding research needs in this area.
  • Make recommendations to the Conference Advisory Committee regarding relevant topical areas in continuing professional development for inclusion in TED conferences/conventions/workshops.
  • Establish and maintain a networking system of professionals, including CSPD coordinators, who are responsible for the continuing professional development of persons involved in the education of individuals with exceptional needs.
  • Establish and maintain liaisons with other organizations involved in the continuing professional development of educators of individuals with exceptional needs (e.g., NASDSE, ASCD, National Staff Development Council, Educational Service Agencies, Regional Labs, Regional Resource Centers, National Diffusion Networks, and CASE).
  • The Committee shall assume responsibility for other activities pertaining to the continuing professional development of those involved in the education of individuals with exceptional needs, as assigned by the Executive Board.

For more information, contact Dr. Cathy Newman Thomas

Co-Chairs: TED Board Members, Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Bettini and Dr. Loretta (Lucky) Mason-Williams


The Research Committee studies the area of teacher education special education research and advises TED and CEC (through the Interdivisional Research Group) regarding research policies and practices. Other duties include the development of materials to assist the field in meeting professional research standards.


For more information, contact Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Bettini or Dr. Loretta (Lucky) Mason-Williams  

Last Updated:  7 December, 2020

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